January 19, 2025: A Pastoral Message by Pastor Margaret Keyser
~ Second Sunday after the Epiphany ~
Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 12 v 1-11
It is a new year, and many, or all of us are making new year’s resolutions, and we are also reflecting on the past year, what was good, not so good, and where we can improve. I find it important to do this kind of reflection, as it helps me stay focused on my purpose and goals in life. As we are thinking ahead and making our plans, we know that there is the idea, the plan and how it can unfold with all the different parts, and then sometimes it involves more than just one person to implement the plan. Those who form part of the plan bring their own ideas, skills and interests to bear, so that by February or March or whenever the events or journey or project are being implemented, it will be done in a way that comes together nicely. I am sure you are already forming the image of your idea in your head and think about what you have had in mind for the new year.
We know that as people of faith, we need God’s presence, guidance and help with what we need and with all our plans. We acknowledge that we have received the Holy Spirit to be present with us, within us, and to guide our path. It is therefore so fitting to read what Paul is writing to the Corinthians about their spiritual gifts, as they are growing their own church.
In this writing to the Corinthians, Paul is reminding them, first, that they are followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, and because they are, they also have the Holy Spirit living within them, and it is the Holy Spirit who gives them what they need. They have been transformed from a world where they relied on themselves, and without the belief in a God who wants to be in relationship with them, to a world with God, and they now have the privilege of receiving everything they need from this Living God. This Living God manifests within them the gifts of the Spirit, to grow and build the church. These gifts, also called grace-gifts, are given to them by God for the common good of the church. Paul lays out for them the various spiritual gifts that are given to those in the church, the message of wisdom, the message of knowledge, the gifts of healing, gifts of miraculous powers, distinguishing between spirits, to some faith, the gifts of speaking in tongues and the interpretation of speaking in tongues. All these gifts and more are given to them by the One Holy Spirit, to build the Church of Christ, which God’s special gift to the followers of Christ in this world. The Church of Christ is the place where God gives birth to the blessings of the Kingdom of heaven on this earth, and those in it, serve from a place of grace.
Paul's message serves as a gentle reminder to all of us regarding our individual callings here at Barre Congregational Church, as well as to everyone who believes in God's call for their lives. For those in our congregation, what is the Holy Spirit whispering to you right before our annual meeting? What is the call you feel inside of you that inspires you to serve God and each other? For those friends who read this by chance, what is the Holy Spirit whispering to you about your own special call?
Paul’s call challenges us individually and as a congregation to discern our identity as a church in Barre, within our community, and beyond. What is our identity, and what do we all bring to the church that will contribute to the change we need around us? During a time like this we need to come together, dig deep into ourselves to love our neighbor as ourselves, with our commonalities and our differences. We are called to be a light that shares the light with others. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s words ring true this morning when he said, “Everybody can be great, because everybody can serve. You only need a heart full of grace, a soul generated by love.” As we are doing our own personal plannings and setting goals for ourselves as loved ones, may God help us to lean on the One Spirit of God, to help us discern our own special spiritual gifts, our path, our journey with God, our church, and each other and this world. May we find our way together, even though we may not all be in agreement with each other. May God’s Holy Spirit smooth out the rough edges we may bring to the journey and connect us in the way only God knows so well. May God bless us all! Amen!